Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Amy at the Ritz

This was a sassy bride and her goal was to be Greta Garbo for the day. She looked fabulous! The venue was the Ritz Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation and this place is awesome to say the least. The setting was unbelievable on the lake with great weather in the low 70's and high 60's. The staff created a meal almost to beautiful to eat and there were twinkle lights all over the trees. Kudos to the Ritz Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation, it was a pleasure working with all of you.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lily Anderson

This charming 8 year old girl is a favorite to photograph because her personality is very precocious. Her name is Lily Anderson and she is currently in the fight of her life. She was recently diagnosed with a form of cancer that has spread to many parts of her body. She is a true fighter though as is her family. If you would remember her in your thoughts and prayers it would mean a lot to her and to her family. After her first round of chemo, surgery, iv's and lots more, she found the strength and courage to stand before a crowd at the hospital and sing the Miley Cyrus song The Climb. If you would like to support her fight, send me an email and I will point you in the right direction. Have a wonderful day, hug your family!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hot August Wedding

What a fabulous outdoor August wedding here on Lake Oconee. The temperature was in the low 90's but the sun was shining and everyone had a wonderful time. Whoever thought of the Chinese Fans was a genius! Congratulations Maureen and Nathan!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First entry

I have decided to give blogging a try. Any attempt at new technology is a bit challenging and a bit exciting at the same time. These darling little girls modeled for a new Tutu Company called Tutu Moi out of Texas. It was a fun day trying to get three princesses to pose for me in the rain.